Friday, August 29, 2008

McCain tabs Palin as VP candidate

The Washington Post and numerous sources are reporting the John McCain has selected Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin as his running mate.

Here is the Washington Post:

John McCain has selected Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin to be his vice presidential running mate, according to the McCain campaign, a surprise pick sure to shake up the race and reinforce the idea of the Arizona senator as a reformer.


Anonymous said...

Senator John McCain, has done the right thing by putting women back on the map, for a political change warranted in this new global appeal for womens rights to opportunities, equal pay, and the chance to govern.

Hillary Clinton's chance was passed over, even though she had a commanding appeal to becoming the first female president.

Senator McCain, is better prepared to serve America; and his judgment should be acclaimed as celebrating the cause for women; and besides, she's 44!

May God bless the Republican ticket; and may the party prevail in the upcoming elections.
God bless you, and God bless America

Calculated_Disaster said...

American women are smarter then that! they will not flock to you merely because you chose a woman to be VP. They liked Hilary because she is fit to lead and has an overwhelmingly impressive resume. Although Palin’s ability to balance raising five children and be governor of Alaska is very impressive it does not qualify her to lead the most powerful empire in world history.