Monday, September 8, 2008


Combat Vets Say Palin's, Others' Lives Put At Risk

WASHINGTON - Veterans of the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan of today wrote to top Defense Department officials, calling for an investigation into leaks of classified details regarding the deployment of Track Palin, the son of Vice Presidential candidate, Governor Sarah Palin. Numerous outlets have reported the date and location of Palin's deployment, which compromises operational security. The source of the leaks would be acting in violation of the law, putting troops at unneccessary risk, and could be prosecuted.
The text of the letter is below:

September 8, 2008

Secretary Robert Gates
Secretary of Defense
1400 Defense Pentagon
Washington DC 20301-1400
Gordon S. Heddell
Acting Inspector General,
Department of Defense
1400 Defense Pentagon
Washington, DC 20301-1400

Daniel J. Dell'Orto
Acting General Counsel,
Department of Defense
1400 Defense Pentagon
Washington, DC 20301-1400


As veterans of Operation Iraqi Freedom and Operation Enduring Freedom, we are alarmed with recent leaks that have led to a multitude of stories in the media divulging details regarding the deployment and future movements of Track Palin, the son of Republican Vice Presidential candidate, Governor Sarah Palin. We are attaching such examples of these details appearing in the media.
As you know, leaking such details is a clear violation of Operational Security (OPSEC), as defined in DOD Directive (DODD) 5205.02, and Army Regulation 530-1.
After speaking with a number of Public Affairs Officers, we are confident that the Department of Defense has not leaked these details. However, as it is simply impossible for any reporter to figure out these details on their own if all they know is the name of a soldier and where he is based, someone has compromised security, not only for the son of a potential Vice President of the United States, but all those who serve with him.
It is simply unacceptable for any member of the military, or civilian, to discuss these kinds of classified details – especially with members of the media. We urge you to conduct an immediate investigation to find the source of these leaks, and prosecute, if necessary.
We are certain you are as disturbed with these developments as we are, and hope you find any compromising of security and safety of our troops to be of paramount concern.
Jon Soltz
Veteran, OIF

Brandon Friedman
Veteran, OIF, OEF
Vice Chairman,
Peter Granato
Veteran, OIF
Vice Chairman,
Brian McGough
Veteran, OIF, OEF
Senior Advisor,

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